Wellbeing beyond the feet
Four questions for Reflexology newbies
Heard of reflexology but not sure if it's for you? Here are four questions to ask yourself before booking in.
Does Reflexology Work? The Research
Although health researchers have only recently begun studying reflexology in a scientifically rigorous way, it’s widely practiced in many parts of the world and dates back thousands of years.
There have now been many research studies around the world showing reflexology to be effective for a variety of health concerns - i’ve listed some here.
My top 6 tools I use in my wellbeing business.
Running a holistic therapy business in a post-pandemic world is tough. Check out my six favourite tools I use to grow my reflexology business and attract more ideal clients!
Why I really want to get on your nerves.
Calm down, I mean the nerves in your feet 😉
Over 7,000 nerve endings in each foot are worked during a Reflexology session which translates into a session rich in communication with your nervous system.
How to sleep better
Humans are the only species that deprive themselves of sleep and a staggering 2⁄3 of adults worldwide do not receive the recommended 8 hours of nightly shut-eye raising the risk of cancer, cognitive decline, weakened immunity, blood sugar disorders and infertility. Read my 15 tips to sleeping better.
The Vagus Nerve: The “Gut Brain”
The Vagus nerve is the key to protect our bodies against the harmful effects of stress. The master nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for calming us down during times of stress (aka the “rest & digest” after the “fight or flight”) Read more to find out how you can stimulate your vagus nerve.
Ways to boost your lymphatic system
The lymphatic system plays a vital role in our immune health and wellbeing.
How to (safely) dilute essential oils
When you’re making your own aromatherapy blends it’s important to remember that you’re working with powerful substances, even if they are natural.
Chronic, Auto-immune & illness: Why labels can be important
Labels or diagnosis are important when you’re trying to get information about an onset of symptoms and what’s causing it.
A label validates that your ailment is real and you’re not going mad.
Are you listening to your body?
Healing requires active participation.
You have to be willing to let go of anything in your life that contributed to your dis-ease.